Come and Play!

Come and Play!

Your Heart, Our Movement

We are building a community of like-hearted people...

Become a Subscriber: Join our YouTube channel to be inspired by stories of love and learn new ways to infuse kindness into your life.

Share Your Story: Has someone shown you extraordinary love, kindness or compassion? Did a stranger delight you with a compliment? Share your personal experiences with us. We can turn them into videos and, in this way, you contribute to the dialogue of kindness.

Collaborate: Are you an artist, writer, or creator who shares our mission? Collaborate with us on projects that broadcast love and inspire change.

Engage: Join our online community by engaging with our content, sharing your thoughts, and participating in discussions. Join our Facebook group and meet others, get help with an idea, share a story – no trolls, no unkindness.

Support: Whether you’re an individual looking to make a difference or an organisation alligned with our vision, we invite you to connect with us. Together, we can amplify the power of love and make a lasting impact on the world.

Help us sustain our mission by supporting our channel. Every like or comment allows us to continue creating content that uplifts and empowers.

We are not asking you to join a fight, we’re inviting you to a festival!